Farm Fit


Farm fit is an IoT-based product/service offer for 'Hansong Technologies' that will allow them to successfully enter the community poultry market.


This project was led by a former GE Appliances Design Director, now a professor of practice. Three-person teams were created based on backgrounds and interests. Each team envisioned themselves as design advocates for a business consulting firm hired by Hansong Technologies.

Project Duration
48 hours in 3 Weeks
Tools Used
Adobe XD, Photoshop, Illustrator
Hansong Technologies

Hansong rated our pitch and solution as a unique opportunity for their immediate business/roadmap.

My Roles & Responsibilities

I had rotating roles with teammates in various phases of the project

  • Led the product design team from research through ideation and down selection, serving as the Product Manager.
  • Conducted environmental analysis and strategized the new revenue stream
  • Identified key partners for the new business unit (Operation Manager)

Product Pitch

I am working on the case study. Meanwhile enjoy our pitch deck and the toast below

Highlights of the Farm Fit business model

Value for CSA Farmers (Customers)

  • More subscriptions from high-protein diet seekers
  • One-stop solution to monitor barn and chicken health
  • Reduced labor for maintainence

Value for Fitness Freaks (Consumers)

  • Direct association with gym services enables them to reach out to trusted farm-fresh eggs
  • Updates on smartwatches help them know about healthy food services
  • Spend less time searching for natural protein availability

Value for Hansong's Business

  • Low-cost solution that could be easily installed with existing technology
  • Revenue from installation and maintenance 
  • New revenue stream to support fitness freaks who rely on farm-fresh food