Hi there, I'm Priya (Rhymes with Free-yeah)

Over a decade, I wore different hats to learn about people, technology, and business. The conversations I had with teams made me realize that I deeply admire the sense of satisfaction that comes with making impactful design decisions to empower people in the digital world.

I often think about everyday interactions in products used worldwide. Enjoy reading selected out of the box explorations.


  • Founded and hosted bi-weekly Jaguar Chats, providing a platform for school students to collaborate with design professionals. The initiative has been successful since 2021. Grad Jaguars were in university NEWS
  • Led design and photography sessions for key events at community services agency (CSA) Young Professionals at Mountain View, California
  • Mentoring new designers in design communities
  • Tutored 13 underprivileged students for English course via an Educational trust
  • Helped incoming new grads to feel inclusive and welcomed in the new environment as a Student Ambassador at Indiana University

Honors & Recognitions

Funny side

  • Doodling everywhere, from whiteboard (my sacred place) to kitchen towels while waiting for food to cook. Yes, that hungry moment!
  • Often, I dream being in underground world with friends, solving problems to save the world. But in my recent dreams, I went to space with a crew of 6 to explore a blue planet and returned safe, haha
  • Scrolling through memes and kickstarting creativity from there for very special Mondays

My sphere (Postcards)

When I'm not designing, I circle in this world to seek inspirations
P.S. I designed this sphere long before Populous designed the Las Vegas sphere — lol

Wanna see the projects I worked on?
Click here for case studies